“Liquid gold.” Even in the 8th century B.C., Homer gave this description to olive oil in his work, The Odyssey. The Greek author valued the healing properties of this extraordinary element extracted from olives.
This considerable recognition remains, if not enhanced, especially around extra virgin olive oil. This ingredient is valued in any dish, both for its nutritional properties and its unmistakable flavor, which always provides a unique culinary experience, especially considering the wide variety of types of extra virgin olive oil available.
All about the different types of olive oil.
Our chef, María José San Román, consolidates in her creations, a blend of tradition and modernity, that extraordinary value of extra virgin olive oil. A passion she treasures, as she herself acknowledges, since attending the Beyond Extra Virgin in 2010 in Verona (Italy) at the request of the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional.
Today, just as a sommelier finds it essential to use different wines for each occasion, our chef asserts that the various types of olive oil should be chosen for their unique flavors and their ability to best enhance each dish.
María José San Román is even an International Ambassador of EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and shares the extraordinary qualities of this food both in presentations (such as the one she gave at Madrid Fusión titled ‘An oil for each dish’), in training courses, and, of course, in the kitchen of our restaurant.
At Monastrell, we prepare each recipe with passion and meticulousness, down to the smallest ingredient that is part of its preparation. For this reason, choosing the right types of extra virgin olive oil becomes a necessary requirement to provide you with an unparalleled experience during your visit.

Next, let’s review some of the different types of extra virgin olive oil available in our cuisine:
The extra virgin olive oil Picual owes its name to the pointed tip of its fruit, which is also characterized by its rounded shape.
This oil offers intense notes of fresh grass, accompanied by a hint of fruitiness, with a slight bitterness that lingers persistently.
Its unique personality makes it recommended for both salads and meat stews, as well as special preparations like carpaccio.
María José San Román explains about the Picual variety that ‘it has a lot of character and is perfect for dishes like red meats, rock fish, fried eggs, tomato sauces, and pastry preparations.
The aroma of the Mediterranean is inherited in Arbequina extra virgin olive oil, smooth and aromatic, ideal for dishes where you want to enjoy its benefits but with less spiciness and bitterness.
Its fruity, almost sweet notes provide an unbeatable balance for almost all types of dishes. It’s no wonder this variety is considered one of the most versatile
Rice dishes, soups, salads, and even pastries take advantage of the unparalleled qualities of this oil, which is also perfectly suited for marinated meats and fish
The white leaf of the olive tree is responsible for the naming of Hojiblanca extra virgin olive oil.
Among its blend of flavors, the sweet and fruity notes are the most notable, along with a slight spiciness that is noticeable on many occasions
It is a versatile yet intense oil. Ideal for all kinds of soups and creams, as well as for marinating fish or pasta dishes.
Additionally, it’s advisable to follow our chef’s recommendations on the Hojiblanca variety, which she notes ‘loses its bitter notes when fried and withstands temperature well; it’s also perfect for frying and sautéing.
The popularity of Cornicabra extra virgin olive oil is well-deserved. Its name is associated with the elongated shape of the olive, almost like a horn
It offers fresh aromas and flavor notes with a mild bitterness but a more prolonged spiciness compared to other varieties.
The intensity of the Cornicabra oil’s flavor does not detract from its versatility. Its high-temperature resistance makes it suitable for all kinds of frying, although its contribution to salads and different types of dressings should not be overlooked.
Another regular protagonist of Mediterranean cuisine is Manzanilla extra virgin olive oil, a variety of international fame.
Its unique flavor oscillates between fresh and sweet notes, with a special persistence of the latter.
Aromatic, balanced, and fruity, Manzanilla olive oil is recommended raw, which is why it is naturally embraced in salads. However, it is also highly resistant. Its presence in stews and frying can elevate the culinary experience to a memorable creation.
The Picudo variety olive is instantly recognizable. Its pointed shape is unmistakable. Picudo extra virgin olive oil is almost unbeatable
It’s also a delicate oil that should be preserved with care. But its flavor is intense, almost reminiscent of exotic fruits.
Su equilibrio en cuanto a amargor y picante lo hacen idóneo para platos a la plancha o pescados cocidos. También en salsas y elaboraciones similares puede ser la nota distintiva del plato.
Subtle, discreet, and always elegant. El aceite de oliva virgen extra Empeltre sabe estar a la altura de cualquier plato que requiera su acompañamiento.
With flavor notes of ripe olives, it is the ideal companion for delicate fish such as sole or hake and for steamed or grilled vegetables.
Of course, it is also welcome in bold salads or even as a partner to fresh cheese.
Its persistent fruity notes make Ocal extra virgin olive oil unmistakable, another great variety of this ‘liquid gold’ that our cuisine treasures.
Fresh, sweet, and intense, this oil offers a persistent flavor, with a notable predominance of spiciness and bitterness.
It is recommended for low-temperature cooking, such as finishing baked fish, and is also suitable for making mayonnaise and béchamel, as well as salmorejos and gazpachos.
From the Latin ‘viridis’ (green), Verdial extra virgin olive oil rightfully earns this name for its ability to maintain its intense hue even when the olive is ripe.
It offers a smooth and balanced flavor. With fruity and herbal notes. And classic aromas of apple and fresh grass.
Its harmony makes this oil recommended for both salads and the preparation of mild sauces. But it can also make a gustatory difference when used in roasted fish.
In Monastrell, monovarietal extra virgin olive oils are the backbone of our culinary offerings. These varieties described here are used daily in various recipes on our menu. Even in desserts!

When you visit our restaurant, we recommend choosing the hojiblanca olive oil ice cream with honey, flowers, and pollen, which will give you a new culinary experience, demonstrating how the unparalleled value of olive oil is also rewarding in ice cream and dessert recipes.
Of course, this passion for olive oil is conveyed in every dish on our menu, from the very moment of its preparation, as our chef detailed in an interview for Aceites de Oliva de España.
“For me, fat, which transmits flavors, is the most important part of the dish. That’s what we decide on first when we tackle any dish. Everything starts with the oil.”